The 3rd month. Gradually I increased the load. The duration of training was fixed at 45 minutes. Professional body builders use such duration of training. I transferred the load from one group of muscles to another group. I repeated this cycle of exercises three times. The number of repetitions of one exercise changed from 5 to 50 during one cycle of training depending on the group of muscles being loaded. I listened to my muscles intently during every repetition. I did the repetition as if it were a single one. I felt that I can lift dumb-bells without any inner tense. The activity of my imagination increased. Due to this, I had a visible idea of any of each my motions, as if it were a slide-show. Mentally I controlled each millimeter of my motion. Doing exercises my motions were constant and steady.

As a result, on the basis of my own observations I made a conclusion that if one's sport weight was a little lessened and a number of repetitions was increased, the loading would remain the same and be done without inner tense.

Feeling the muscle and the depth of full motion I didn’t concentrate myself on weight, but on tension of muscles which was modified to obtain a positive effect. The tension of muscles grew at the beginning of the training. In the middle of the training the tension reached its peak. Later with the growth of tiredness, tension dropped. I completed the training feeling minimal tension. As a result, the consciousness became stable. I felt complete silence and peace inside it.

The punctuality of my daily regime attuned my organism to a certain amplitude and a rhythm of biological reactions. The daily regime decreased the process of rehabilitation of the working muscles’ ability to two hours. I pointed this time according to disappearance of physical tiredness (I did not feel the psychological tiredness either) and appearance of a feeling of freshness inside me. As for the sportsmen, rehabilitation time after heavy physical training determined in days, not in hours. Less rehabilitation time and positive result of working muscles prove that we have more possibilities than we ever know.

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