The energy of physical activity is needed as fuel for brain work. Energy is fuel, which enhances and reveals the processes of memorizing information. The energy is accumulated and began to activate the cells of operative memory. I began to observe the process of memorizing information, namely: how the information in memory is processed.
I observed, as my operative memory - (memory which processes the information) is filled with processed information. Performing physical activity immediately after mental activity accelerated the memorizing processes. During the physical movement I noticed that operative memory exempt and useful information transitioned in memory stores (the cells of storage). As a result, operative memory is ready to perform the following work.
During the physical movement information is logically linked in one chain. In other words, information becomes sensible before transferring to the permanent or long-term memory (the cells of storage).
Filling the operative memory with ready-made answers, transferring them to the memory stores (the cells of storage), resting - a constant cycle for stable and productive brain work. Thanks to him, the optimal and coordinated work of the organism was adjusted as one whole. Following the cycle, I worked like a well-oiled machine. This convinced me what the learning process should be. Such actions eventually become a habit or a law.
One of the human states is the process of memorizing information. Another state is the process of producing energy inside. The states are interconnected. This harmonious connection has increased with the accumulation of energy, the law of memorization according to which our memory works has become obvious.
The law of memorizing information.
The principle of information accumulation is the harmony between muscle work and the process of memorization, i.e. a transition without rest from mental activity with full dedication to physical activity that produces energy.
After working with a computer, we usually rest and have a cup of coffee. To raise your efficiency noticeably, have a 10 - 20 minute break of using dumb-bells after 2 - 3 hours of using a computer. Experiments proved that graphic signs and words were memorized better when a person held a small load in his hands. |