The number of intellectual professions is growing, energy consumption is proportionally growing and, as a result, psychological problems are increasing.

Machines replace physical work, and therefore we move less. The result of long-term constant work at the computer has a bad effect on human health.

We spend a great amount of energy at our chaotic restless time. It is necessary to mind that increased mental load and problems require more energy. People sometimes don't cope with a great amount of problems. Well-known people as well as ordinary are driven to commit suicide because of despair. They feel despair because of great amount of work.

According to statistics, 70% of all diseases are caused by disruption of the central nervous system. The causes of these diseases are not eliminated, but treatment of the consequences becomes the first priority. Every year this percentage grows and becomes larger.

Our intellectual development is achieved mainly through traditional education, during which educational material is explained and homework assignments are given. And also, everyone has their own mental and physical activity, which today is performed chaotically. As a result, we do not use the influence of muscular work on brain activity. We do not follow the principles of how our organism works (discussed below) and we receive the negative consequences observed in many countries.

An example by not following the principle of memorization (discussed on the second page) is the improper organization of work in Japan. The number of people whose constant overwork during mental work leads to a sharp deterioration in their health and emotional state is increasing. As a result, deaths occur and there is an increase in mortality due to the large volume of intellectual work. This is understandable, since a lot of energy is consumed during brain activity and its replenishment is required.

Let's eliminate the cause of the increase in mortality from overwork. According to the principle of memorization, after intellectual work, any physical work that is accessible to everyone is extremely useful. Three reasons convince us of this.

The first is replenishing expended energy.

The second is healing, strengthening the nervous system and reducing the manifestations of depression and stress to zero.

The third is preparing of operative memory for working with new information.

During physical activity after intellectual activity, replenishing expended energy, we strengthen the nervous system, reduce stress and restore brain work. The processes of energy consumption and accumulation are united; as a result, for example, the cause of deaths is eliminated.

We work mentally and physically chaotically, since the process of obtaining one's energy (discussed on page sixth and seventh) is not performed after the process of memorizing information (discussed on page four). As a result, in practice we do not use the connection between memorization and muscle work. Any physical activity after intellectual work is extremely useful for the memorization process.

Performing physical activity after mental activity promotes the harmony of the work of our organism and strengthens the interconnection between the processes of memorizing information and obtaining energy. Namely this interconnection and harmony that is the basis for the growth of our development and productive work. Everything is interconnected in our life, as in nature too.

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